
  1. Authors please pay attention to manuscript types and requirements in Aims, Authors and Services.
  2. Submit all your files by the emails in Contact for respective journals with a subject line of your name. Please use your own official institutional email if possible.
  3. For initial manuscripts, please submit a single word manuscript file containing all figures and tables, and a separate supplementary word file if necessary, and a cover letter explaining the study importance and suitability for one of our global journals,  indicating that all authors have agree to the manuscript submission, and prividing 3-9 suggested reviewers with their names, institutions and email addresses.
  4. For revised manuscripts, please submit a letter answering all the reviewers’ questions, and an revised single PDF file containing all figures and tables, and a separate supplementary PDF file if necessary. Please make any revised parts in red.
  5. For accepted manuscripts, please submit a MS word file with all tables and high resolution figures, and a separate supplementary MS Word file if necessary, and a signed agreement accepting copyright transfer, ethics and all the terms and conditions.
  6. Please Contact us if you have any questions.